Selasa, 13 November 2012

Tesla Triumphs: Electric Car Bests the Rest

nothing but a gasoline-burning internal combustion engine would do. Until now.
The gearheads at Motor Trend have named the Tesla Model S the car of the year for 2013—the first time an all-electric vehicle has ever won the honor. “The turning point will be when electric cars become the best product, and that’s the key for mass adoption,” argued Tesla founder Elon Musk at an event to announce the award November 12. The Model S “is just the best car.”
That’s quite an achievement given that Tesla had to learn how to make a car from scratch, starting as a company in 2003 and then, in 2008, offering its first all-electric sports car known as the Roadster. The Model S is the current bid for more affordability, with a price of at least $49,900 (after a federal tax credit, which Musk, for one, would like to see extended). “It’s difficult to create a car company of any kind,” Musk mused. “An electric car adds additional difficulty and the economy didn’t make it any easier.” In fact, in 2008, Tesla nearly ran out of money until Musk stepped in with his personal fortune.
The key to all electric cars, and the Model S is no exception, is the battery. For Tesla, the battery consists of a 40, 60 or 85 kilowatt-hour pack of lithium ion cells, from an unspecified supplier. Layering those heavy cells into Tesla’s patented pack along the bottom of the Model S helped give the car a low-center of gravity and, thus, exceptional stability, as well as the ability to go 265 miles between charges, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. And, thanks to the Tesla’s high purchase price, Tesla recharging stations that can recharge 3-hours worth of driving in 30 minutes will “always” be free, Musk noted.

Pembangkit Listrik Biogass dari Sampah

Pembangkit listrik menggunakan sampah sebagai energi alternatif menjadi biogass .

Metana adalah hidrokarbon (H2CO2) paling sederhana yang berbentuk gas dengan rumus kimia CH4. aplikasi hidrokarbon adalah kedalam bentuk plastik, saya asumsikan karena sampah banyak terbentuk dari atom karbon dan atom hidrogen jadi kemungkinan teori tentang bakteri metanogen.
(kita mulai kenali dia dari ilmu biologi dulu)
Bakteri metanogen termasuk salah satu golongan Archaebacteria selain halofilik, dan termofilik, sesuai dengan nama golongannya Archaebacteria merupakan mikroorganisme yang tahan hidup di daerah ektrim seperti perairan dengan kadar garam tinggi (halofil) contoh Halobacterium, serta daerah dengan temperatur tinggi seperti hydrothermal vent (extreme thermofil) contoh Sulfolobus, Pyrodictium. Bakteri metanogen bersifat anaerob obligat, terbagi menjadi tiga group. Group I Methanobacterium dan Methanobrevibacter , Group II meliputi Methanococcus, dan Group III termasuk genera Methanospirillum dan Methanosarcina . Semuanya ada di lingkungan air tawar yang anaerob seperti sedimen serta pada saluran pencernaan hewan. Ciri-ciri khusus kelompok metanogen adalah : • Autotrofik atau heterotrofik : energi yang dihasilkan dari oksidasi hydrogen / format / asetat dengan pembentukan metan. • Morfologi sel : bola, batang, spiral. • Motil karena flagella kutub atau non motil. • Gram negatif atau positif. • Anaerobik. • Beberapa spesies termofilik. • Habitat : saluran gastrointestinal pada binatang, endapan pada lingkungan akuatik, dan limbah. Ordo , Family , dan Genus Ordo : Metanobacteriales Famili : Metanobacteriaceae Kelompok dan genus bakteri metanogen antara lain Methanobacterium formicicum, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophium, Me thanococcus vanielli, Methanomi crobium mobile, Methanospirillium hungatei, Methanosarcina barkeri, dan Methanothrix sp.